Sowy Jo aka Needle
A new one hasn't been sighted in a long time and for minute there I thought no more of them would ever surface to a top of mind status. So I was somewhat taken aback by the sudden violent emerging of the new 'guest'. What am I talking about? My sweet Jo's latest alter ego Sowy Jo aka Needle.
My experience with this alter ego so far is that it definately belongs to the group of Class A alter ego's. It's mighty presence manages to shine through any other topic and it doesn't flinch to cut a good evening of watching films on the couch to ribbons. As you see I have now said the word 'ribbons', even seemingly insignificant words such as these bring on Needle and thus the sowing machine, Sowy Jo's magical apparatus that makes sure no calling friend or future husband can reach the real Jo, is called upon to start or continue a creative process. So should you ever encounter a 'Sowy', keep this in mind.
Getting Jo back from Needle is a tough job, but as you can see in the pictures Needle makes my Jo very happy. So I'm happy for it's existence despite it's sometimes annoying Class A status :-)
Hihihihihi, it is a rather consuming hobby, yes :)
"Rather" she says....
Hope it consumes just time... ;-)
Hahahaha, your hat!!!! it changes its own light bulbs!!!
Hey Jo, or have you been posessed by Needle tonight? Love the story, Baz, but remember that sometimes this form of posession doesn't just make Jo happy but has material (haha) results for you too ;-)
PS Epilogue of WW is up. Now it really is finished!
Right time to put the needle down girl!..
Your getting married..WoW!..
Lots of love and congratulations to both you and Barry..
Ooh yeah!..don't forget..
Something old
Something new
Somthing borrowed
Something blue..
Have a lovely wedding day and all the best for future happiness to you and Barry!
Thnx Gypsy and Anne-Marie! Reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaalllllyyy looking forward to the big day now!!!!
Congratz on the wedding! Red is thee colour ;)
Jodie and Barry, you've been tagged!
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