Thursday, October 04, 2007

To answer a tag

So I got tagged by Vallyp and now have to tell you all the following (yes, here come the rules, apparently I have to post them or I'm a bad tagger and will go to Tagger Limbo where the only thing you do all day is play word association games)

"The rules? Write eight random facts about yourself, then tag eight people and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged...ooh yes, and post the rules before you post the facts."

1. I have an obscene addiction to cheese. I believe it is either hereditary or infectious as I know I caught it off my mum. I will have to wait until I possibly produce a sproglet to know which one it is although because of fact number two and the fact that VallyP is petrified of being a Granny this may end up as an unsolved mystery.

2. I dont particularly want to have children but my body keeps trying to convince me that I do. I swear emotions are the bane of being female. My rational sense knows that we have no room and no time for a child and we dont really have any desire to really want children. My hormones, on the other hand, are convinced this is the only thing I really want in life. I grow misty eyed at commercials of cute kids doing naughty kid stuff. I see a beautiful child in the supermarket and the hormones rage to the fore with wonderful visuals of how beautiful our children would be.... thankfully the little blighters then blessedly start screaming and throwing tantrums and my hormones are beaten back down into their little dark corner again.

3. I'm a frustrated starlet. I love a little drama and love creating a little drama even more. I'm probably also the worst exaggerator of events I know. This is what comes of being a writer. The daily world on its own is just a tad too boring so I love to embellish on the facts to make my anecdotes of daily life just that little bit more interesting. Unfortunaly I am so used to exaggerating that I start believing its true... this can lead to very confused looks at the family christmas dinner when I start recounting youthful tales of mischief only to be told it didn't happen like that at all.

4. I am allergic to laundry. I am only glad I married a man who is exceptionally good at things like laundry and dishwashing or we'd be rotating clothes based on length of time since last wash and washing plates only when they're needed. Luckily I make up for it by being fairly good at other cleaning chores so it all balances out in the end.

5. I have a fear of needles bordering on phobic. I am also petrified of the dentist. Perversely, I love watching horror movies where its really gory and appendages come flying off bodies left right and center, especially zombie movies and films involving werewolves and vampires.

6. I am a walking fountain of completely useless information but this comes in very handy with Trivial Pursuit. I also have an uncanny memory when it comes to which actor played a character in a film, what the film was called and very often I know who directed it too.

7. I love Mathematics and mourn the fact that I don't get to use it in my daily life any more. Algebra was one of my favourite subjects at school.

8. Last but not least, I have a theory that 95% of the world are idiots and will do anything anyone else tells them to. It s a wonderfully flexible theory too because it can be applied to almost every situation involving people... oh and the fact that I'm a little misanthropic has nothing to do with it at all :)


At Thursday, October 04, 2007, Blogger Vallypee said...

Hahahaha Jodes! Brilliant! But keep those hormones tucked away in that back drawer will you?

Loved the bit about the 'drama' and exaggeration. The truth will often take the edge off a good tale won't it?

I can vouch for the rest of the world that this is all true, and Jo, you can join misanthropists anonymous. It's a great non society ;-)

At Sunday, December 14, 2008, Blogger Koos F said...

Your absolute best post sofar, Jo.
The latest in an unparallelled series of crafty wordsmithing and ever-so-slight exaggerations.

A good post needs preparation, so do take your time before publishing the next one!



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