10 Things I'll Never Do...
Who am I to resist being tagged :)
1. Eat Haring:
This is a Dutch tradition I just cannot stomach, literally... I'll let your imagination do the rest.
2. Willingly leave the house when its raining and/or blowing a gale.
I dont like rain and I really hate wind. I have been told I am a bit of a feline specimen in this respect. If forced to endure the cold wetness or strong winds that blow straight through my ribs leaving an aching chill that lingers for ages, I will moan and complain bitterly... and I'm very annoying when I moan and complain.
3. Think Brad Pitt is the sexiest man alive.
Sorry ladies, he's just not my cup of tea. Give me Tim Roth or Gary Oldman or Heath Ledger... even Alan Rickman has more sex appeal than boy wonder Brad! He, like Tom Cruise, is just too pretty... ick.
4. Wear Pink.
Most little girls are thrilled to fill their little lives with this colour... not me! I built tree-houses and threw mud at stuff and played footy with the boys. Pink is the colour of your gums, not your clothes! Especially not men's clothes! I mean, how Miami-Vice can you get?
5. Not do something just because someone says I can't.
Unless I have a really good reason to be careful, I jump feet first into the deep end of almost every situation that presents itself. Questions are asked when and if something goes wrong, not before.
This, as you can imagine, has led to a few interesting experiences... but also led to me moving to the Netherlands and meeting my future husband so it all adds up to GOOD :)
6. Give up on my goal of becoming a full-time writer.
One day I will sell as many books as Harry Potter!
7. Think Ben Stiller is funny.
He's not, he's just irritating... I must have missed something in nearly every film of his because while everyone around me is on the floor in giggles, I am disappearing into the kitchen for something to slash my wrists with!
8. Get involved in the PC vs MAC discussion.
They both have their pro's and con's and besides Linux kicks both their metallic bums... and its free!
9. Refuse chocolate.
It must be something that happens to women when they hit the late twenties. I never used to be a choco-holic but now I can't resist the stuff.... which leads to Baz hiding it all on the top shelf of the cupboard because he knows I can't get up there without the kitchen steps and it amuses him no end to see me standing on my tippy-toes clawing at the air of the top shelf in the hopes of snagging the end of the tub of chocolate hazelnuts.... meanie!
10. Give up coffee.
I can go without everything else, even the choccies, but please, please, never take my caffeine away!
Right, now I've done mine I'm tagging: Momo, Renate and Koos
I just kept my ass where it is, but i did hold my belly as i chuckled merrily (seems the right thing to do now that we're closing in on christmas).
Hehe. Very good list.
1. I agree. It looks horrible
8. Chicken :p
Well done Jo! ;-) I agree with all except 7, 8 and 9, and those only cos I don't know who Ben Stiller is, and the other two just because...lol.
Excellent list sweets xxx
Hi Jodie,
I totally agree with #3 & 4. I'll never find Brad Pitt sexy either, same goes for Colin Farrell, I don't see why women think he's sexy, he looks so dirty that I can almost smell the stench!
I also don't like wearing pink either. I did when I was a little girl, but I think it's because it is pushed on to little girls. the clothes, the room decorations, and the barbies were mostly pink.
Brad is no longer my cup of tea either. In the words of Shania Twain. Ok, so you're Brad Pitt... That don't impress me much! ...
hang ten... I'll prewrite it at home
Rose: Thanks for stopping by... I gather you found your way here via Invader Stu?
Momo!!!: Kewl Beans... look forward to your list :)
I'se done wot Renate sed Aunty Jo an Baz..luv an lix sindybin
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